Curriculum Vitae




1962 B.A. Physics (honors), the University of California at Berkeley

1968 M.A. Mathematical Statistics, the University of California at Berkeley

1976   Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics (Social & Psychological Measurement), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Advisor: Louis Guttman


Academic Appointments


1977    Senior Lecturer, the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research

1988    Associate Professor, the Louis Guttman Israel Institute of Applied Social Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1999    Professor, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheba


Professional Positions


Since 1996   Senior Research Fellow, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Since 1988   Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, teaching courses in Facet Theory & Multiple Scaling and their applications to research in Quality of Life, Distributive Justice, Intelligence & Creativity and Offender Profiling.

Since 1968   Principal Investigator of research projects in the fields of psychology, education, economic behavior, science policy, social & psychological measurement, multivariate data analysis

1996-2006    Founder and Scientific Director, Center for Social Justice at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

2001-2004    Project Director, Creativity as Personal Ability, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

1996-2000    Research Director at the Israel Center for Third Sector Research, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheba

1968-1996    Research Director, the Louis Guttman Israel Institute of Applied Social Research at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1964-1968    Instructor, Department of Statistics, the University of California at Berkeley

1963-1964    Statistician, Survey Research Center, the University of California at Berkeley


Appointments & Memberships


  • Honorary Research Fellow, University of Liverpool.
  • Member, Scientific Board of IGCS (International Group for Scientific and Technological Chaos Studies), Ben Gurion University.
  • Methodological Consultant, OAS (Organization of American States) Department of Education.
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (JIP).
  • Editorial Board, Social Indicators Research (SIR)
  • Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research
  • Member, American Psychological Association (APA).
  • Member, U.S. Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).
  • Founding member and first Secretary General of the International Facet Theory Association (FTA).




Books, Scientific articles, Encyclopedia entries, Research reports, Conference papers