Shye, S. & Aranya, N. (1975). The Gatekeeping to a profession: A structural analysis for the CPA examination situation. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 4(2).
Aranya, N., Jacobson, D, & Shye, S. (1976). Organizational and occupational commitment: A facet theoretical analysis of empirical data. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 31.
Shye, S. & Elizur, D. (1976). Worries about deprivation of job rewards following computerization. A Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Human Relations, 29(1).
Elizur, D. & Shye, S. (1976). The inclination to re-immigrate: A structural analysis of the case of Israelis residing in France and in the U.S.A. Human Relations, 29(l). A related paper was published in 1975 in Megamot, 21(3).
Aranya, N., Jacobson, D, & Shye, S. (1976). A Smallest Space Analysis of potential work mobility. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 11(2).
Shye, S. (1978). Achievement motive: A faceted definition and structural analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol. 13(3).
Shye, S. (1980). A Structural analysis of achievement orientation derived from a longitudinal study of students in Israeli schools. American Educational Research Journal, 17(3), 281-290.
Shye, S. (1982). Compiling expert opinion on the impact on environmental quality of a nuclear power plant: An application of a systemic life quality model. International Review of Applied Psychology, 31, 285-302.
Shye, S. (1981). Comparing structures of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol.7, 105-109.
Wolins, M., Wozner, Y. & Shye, S. (1980). Rejuvenating the asylum: A field study. Social Work Research and Abstracts, 16, 17-25.
Steinglass, P., Kaplan De-Nour, A. & Shye, S. (1985). Factors influencing psychosocial adjustment to a forced geographical relocation: The Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 55(4), 513–529.
Shye, S. (1988). Inductive and deductive reasoning: A structural reanalysis of ability tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73(2), 308-311.
Shye, S. (1989). The Systemic Life Quality Model: A Basis for Urban Renewal Evaluation. Social Indicators Research, 21, 343-378.
Shye, S. & Lewy A. (1990). Dimensions of Teachers' Attitude toward Teaching Higher Mental Functions: Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Quality and Quantity, 24, 231-244.
Elizur, D. & Shye, S. (1990). Quality of Work Life and its relationship to Quality of Life. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 39(3), 275-291.
Shye, S. (1991). Ethnic integration and value polarization in Israel: Facet structure and assessment scales. Megamot, 33(3-4). (Hebrew with abstract in English).
Shye, S. (1991). What is facet theory? Megamot, 33(3-4). (Hebrew, with abstract in English).
Al-Haj M., Katz, E. & Shye, S. (1993). Arab and Jewish attitudes toward a Palestinian state. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 37(3), 619-632.
Shye, S., Yanai, J. & Pick, C. G. (1994). Directional consistency: determinant of learned maze performance of five mice strains. Behavioral Processes, 32, 117-132.
Shye, S. & Klauer, K. J. (1993). Dimensions of inductive ability. Megamot, 35(2-3). (Hebrew, with abstract in English).
Wald, K. D. & Shye, S. (1994). Interreligious conflict in Israel: the group basis of conflicting visions. Political Behavior, 16(1), 157-178.
Wald, K.D. & Shye, S. (1995). Religious influence in electoral behavior: the role of institutional and social forces in Israel. The Journal of Politics, 57(2), 495-507.
Bick, A. & Shye, S. (1995). R.O. desalination: a structural analysis of feed water quality and membrane performance. International Water and Irrigation Review, 15(2), 28-31.
Shye, S. (1998).Modern Facet Theory: Content design and measurement in behavioral research. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 14(2), 160-171.
Shye, S. (1998). The systemic life quality model: comparative analysis of concepts and scales. Megamot, 39(1-2), 149-169. (Special issue on salutogenesis. Hebrew with abstract in English).
Poreh, A. & Shye, S. (1998). Examination of the global and local features of the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure using Faceted Smallest Space Analysis. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12(4) 453-467.
Shye, S. & Goldzweig G. (1999). Creativity as an extension of intelligence: faceted definition and structural hypotheses. Megamot, 40(1), 31-53. (Hebrew with abstract in English).
Dahan, M., Dvir, E., Mironichev, N. & Shye (2003). Have educational gaps in Israel narrowed? On factors affecting eligibility for matriculation certificate. Israel Economic Review 2, 37-69. A related paper was published in 2002 in Rivon Lekalkala, 49(1).
Shye, S. (2010). The motivation to volunteer: A systemic quality of life theory. Social Indicators Research 98(2), 183-200. doi:10.1007/s11205-009-9545-3
Benish-Weisman, M. & Shye, S. (2011). Life Quality of Russian Immigrants to Israel: Patterns of Success and of Unsuccess. Social Indicators Research, 101(3), 461-479. doi:10.1007/s11205-010-9664-x.